Big Al is the Big 2-1

Usually this space is devoted to only the finer things in life, the things that encompass what’s truly great and dare I say, Reptastic. But I would be remiss if I didn’t mention a certain milestone in the history of the Repanich clan. Today, the last of the five Repanich boys, Alex, turned 21. For five and a half years, Alex was the lone minor amongst the brothers, but now, 13 years after the first-born blazed the trail, Alex will carry on the tradition of drinking far too much. Although this has nothing to do with television, cinema, music or sports, I’d have to say drinking legally is Reptastic.

The Greatest Christmas Movies of All-Time: #3-Elf

Christmas is best seen through the eyes of a child; the wonderment, the awe, the innocence and the sheer gullibility makes children perfectly suited to immerse themselves in the season. After all, little kids still believe in Santa Claus, at least until the bratty little kid at school shatters their childhood by telling them there is no jolly old St. Nick. At least the outing of the Santa Clause myth will prepare the kid for the series of massive disappointments commonly referred to as “life.”

Living vicariously through children is at the heart of many a Christmas film; a longing for the fancy-free days of one’s youth, because if ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise. Unfortunately, children are usually really shitty actors who can kill even the best films. So to preserve the childlike innocence needed to make a classic Christmas film, Will Ferrell portrays a character as emotionally retarded as a 8-year-old in the third best Christmas film ever, 2003’s Elf.

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