Video of the Day: Ricky Gervais on Celebrity

If you’re someone who frequents Best Week Ever’s fantastic site, then you’ve probably already seen a shorter version of this video of Ricky Gervais’ monologue in the Finale of his HBO Comedy Extras. Admittedly, I was never a fan of Extras like I was of The Office, but that’s understandable considering the BBC version of The Office is the greatest sitcom ever made. Gervais has a knack for comedy, timing, writing, and wrenching awkwardness, however he also has the innate ability to make compelling stories with real emotion. In The Office Gervais creates characters that you really feel for; characters which are able to elicit emotional responses beyond laughter. It’s this ability which makes the BBC version of the show far superior to the NBC version; the show and it’s characters seem so much more real and resonant while remaining funny.

What lacked in Extras for me, in the few episodes I’ve watched, is that connection to my life which made The Office so effective. When I was working in a corporate setting it was difficult to not feel like you were in the show as you walked through the office with the low murmur of office equipment and quiet conversation providing the soundtrack to a relatively stark, but at times lively existence. Extras was unable to offer that connection, but in the final episode, Ricky’s character Andy gives an amazing, heartfelt monologue on the state of celebrity and celebrity journalism. It’s a fantastic video which anyone who finds themselves scratching their heads at the cult of celebrity will greatly enjoy.